- 5. Broncos: What is Danny's second favorite NFL team?
- 6. pieces: how many pieces when the biggest Lego set Noah has ever made?
- 7. For Christmas did Noah get a snowboard or a sled?
- 12. cards: What was Danny's favorite Christmas present
- 13. How many kids are in Danny's class?
- 15. what is both Noah's and Danny's favorite toy?
- 1. Latte: At Starbucks Vicki always has to get this at 140F.
- 2. What is Danny's favorite movie?
- 3. Rico: What American territory did we visit for spring break?
- 4. How much popcorn did Noah and Danny sell?
- 8. the main floor: What was Vicki's big project?
- 9. shoot your eye out kid: What is Danny's favorite line from A Christmas story?
- 10. What big prize did Noah win for popcorn sales?
- 11. Seahawks: What is Noah's second favorite NFL team?
- 14. How many kids are in Noah's class?
- 16. Juan and Fajardo: What two cities did we go to in Puerto Rico