Verity SMP

  1. 4. First bookbanned player
  2. 7. Owner of the SMP
  3. 8. Last bookbanned player
  4. 9. Character who said, “For 200 years…”
  5. 14. Killed by Liz during Pumpkin’s bookban
  6. 16. Plugin responsible for permanent deaths
  7. 18. Killed by Dom numerous times
  8. 19. Killed Liz; imprisoned
  9. 20. Hottest person on verity
  1. 1. Committed suicide twice
  2. 2. Killed by Sleep, took a break from Verity near the end, associated with beShadows
  3. 3. Alt account used for server moderation; also known as “god”
  4. 5. Project which was cofounded by Vino and Andre
  5. 6. Bottom of the month
  6. 8. First death after the grace period expired
  7. 10. Person who is the main conspirator of the beShadows assassination
  8. 11. NSFW structure used by Andre and Matty constantly infront of everyone
  9. 12. Killed by Vino using an end crystal early on the SMP
  10. 13. Responsible for wedding bombing
  11. 15. Evil Demon Character During TuxSMP
  12. 17. Owned a pink sheep which was their “girlfriend”; killed by Andre