
  1. 2. A muscular organ where little stones crush the food in birds/chickens
  2. 5. System that breaks down food and absorbs nutrients
  3. 7. System that helps the vertebrate keep its shape
  4. 10. System that takes in oxygen from the environment
  5. 11. System that helps gather and understand information
  6. 12. An organ that takes in oxygen from the water
  7. 15. A God-given behavior that an animal is born with
  8. 16. An organ that fills with air when a vertebrate breathes in
  9. 17. A curved, pointed nail on the end of an animal's toe
  10. 19. A sharp, hooked claw of a bird of prey
  1. 1. Something that an animal learns to do
  2. 3. Anything that causes an organism to respond or act
  3. 4. System that helps the animal move
  4. 6. A part of the nervous system that controls everything in the body
  5. 7. A stretchy bag made of muscle that digests swallowed food
  6. 8. The ability to "see" by using sound waves
  7. 9. An organ that holds and soaks up food in birds/chickens
  8. 13. The group of bones forming the frame for the body
  9. 14. System that provides nutrients and oxygen to the body
  10. 18. A covering of small plates