Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging

  1. 5. outside edge or shadow where the film has been imperfectly collimated
  2. 8. a special heat resistant glass enclosure that houses a cathode and an anode
  3. 9. filtration to eliminate scattered radiation on the image
  4. 10. two types of radiation effects
  5. 13. much lower energy than the usable x-ray beam
  6. 16. radiation that reaches the film or detector
  7. 18. the ability to differentiate fine details within the x-ray image
  8. 20. the tracing of the crests and troughs of a wave
  1. 1. the amount of energy imparted to the target
  2. 2. unit immediately beneath the x-ray tube
  3. 3. process by which intensifying screens react to the incoming radiation
  4. 4. the number of waves passing a given point per given unit of time
  5. 6. the result of light traveling through the atmosphere
  6. 7. the way radiation is measured
  7. 11. greater number of shades of gray in the image
  8. 12. portion of the x-ray image that is sharp and clearly collimated
  9. 14. structure/appearance that isn't normally present on the radiograph and produced by artifact means
  10. 15. the smallest quantity of any type of electromagnetic radiation
  11. 17. partner to the cathode in the x-ray tube
  12. 19. alternative method of developing a variable kv technique chart