Veterinary Medical Terminology

  1. 5. Cat giving birth to offspring.
  2. 6. A young parrot.
  3. 8. An intact male duck.
  4. 12. A neutered male rabbit.
  5. 13. A young female elk.
  6. 14. The sloping part of a horse's foot between the fetlock and the hoof.
  7. 16. A joint which is joined by the cannon bone, the first phalanx, and the sesamoid bones. It resembles the ankle in humans.
  8. 17. An intact male guinea pig.
  9. 18. Dog giving birth to offspring.
  1. 1. An immature male chicken.
  2. 2. A group of turkey eggs.
  3. 3. A joint in the leg of animals that resembles the knee in humans.
  4. 4. A joint in an animal's hind leg that points backward between the knee and the fetlock.
  5. 6. A hard, fleshy growth above the front leg knees and below the inside of the hock on the hind legs.
  6. 7. A young castrated male chicken.
  7. 9. Rabbit giving birth to offspring.
  8. 10. An intact male mouse or rat.
  9. 11. An accessory appendage on the foot that acts like another nail/hoof for maintaining traction.
  10. 15. a small callosity underneath the fetlock on a horse.
  11. 16. The underside of the horse hoof that is V-shaped and concave of the foot.