Veterinary Radiography

  1. 4. ___Rule: Uses the thickness of the area to be radiographed to calculate the kVp
  2. 8. Thin strand of coiled tungsten
  3. 10. Foreshortening or elongation of a body part due to angulation
  4. 12. Leaded aprons should be hung by the ____
  5. 14. Anode ____ ____: intensity of the radiation is greater on the cathode side than on the anode side
  6. 15. Images that are produced by an x-ray circuit and electricity
  7. 17. mA
  8. 19. The ability to differentiate fine details within the x-ray image
  9. 20. Metal with high atomic number
  1. 1. ___ radiation effects are often immediately noticeable and are rare in a diagnostic setting
  2. 2. Stainless steel ___ ___ inside of the rotor circuit are able to withstand the high heat levels coming from the rotating anode
  3. 3. Controls the size of the x-ray beam and prevents it from spreading wider
  4. 5. Special heat resistant glass enclosure that houses the cathode and anode
  5. 6. kV
  6. 7. ___ radiation effects occur by chance and may occur without a threshold level of dose
  7. 9. ___ radiation is radiation that is created by the photon stream outside the actual focal spot
  8. 11. Typically has two filaments
  9. 13. As Low As Reasonably Achievable
  10. 16. The smallest quantity of any type of electromagnetic radiation
  11. 18. Partner to the cathode in the x-ray tube