Victoria Longoria

  1. 4. Not completely.
  2. 8. a woman presenter
  3. 10. Tonight on TV
  4. 11. information/info
  5. 13. I can't stand reality shows.
  6. 14. a remote control
  7. 17. a reality show
  8. 18. on cable
  9. 20. a music program
  10. 22. by satellite
  11. 25. an animated cartoon
  12. 26. an animator
  13. 27. a sports report
  14. 28. 2nd part of the evening
  15. 30. I completely agree.
  1. 1. a series/a sitcom
  2. 2. movie connoisseur
  3. 3. a female animator
  4. 5. Don't you think they're just failed actors?
  5. 6. made for TV movie
  6. 7. TV viewer
  7. 9. TV program from
  8. 12. Tuesday May 10
  9. 14. a televised game
  10. 15. an advertisement
  11. 16. a soap opera
  12. 19. music program
  13. 21. the weather
  14. 23. At the moment
  15. 24. a presenter
  16. 25. a guide (broadcast)
  17. 29. On TV