Victorian Court Hierarchy

  1. 2. Your criminal record.
  2. 5. Hears appeals from all the different states.
  3. 9. When you swear on a bible.
  4. 10. Evidence used in court to prove something.
  5. 12. A person who gives evidence in a person at court.
  6. 13. A court case in front of a jury.
  7. 14. Specialises in children's matters.
  8. 15. When you swear in the name of your religious belief to show you innocence.
  9. 18. Hears very serious criminal cases, like murder.
  10. 19. When it is proven that you have broken the law or when the court makes a decision.
  11. 20. A person involved in a case.
  1. 1. Deals with more serious crimes and with claims for amounts over $100,000.
  2. 3. Investigates deaths that happen unexpectedly.
  3. 4. A person who breaks the law.
  4. 6. To give document to the court.
  5. 7. A document that policemen use that contains all the evidence to prove their case.
  6. 8. A person who can direct you about the law and represent you in court.
  7. 11. Decides cases of special federal significance.
  8. 16. A person who controls what happens in the higher court and the person that deals with legal issues.
  9. 17. A presentation of a case at court.