
  1. 3. person who plays video games
  2. 5. You need to play computer games
  3. 8. are you like this when you lose
  4. 11. if yesterday you were playing a shooting game "yesterday you..."
  5. 12. yotuber that ends with "...51"
  6. 13. famous person beginning with "the"
  7. 14. you need it to be comfortable playing
  8. 16. person who leads the team
  9. 17. when you lose a game "you feel..."
  10. 18. when you win a game quickly it has been very
  11. 19. game that starts with "call..."
  1. 1. if yesterday you were playing "yesterday you..."
  2. 2. when you go in a car "you go..."
  3. 4. person who helps you win a game
  4. 6. you need it to move the view of the character
  5. 7. game that ends with "...theft auto"
  6. 9. game that ends with "...battle royal"
  7. 10. a famous gamer ending in"...777"
  8. 11. you need it to watch the game
  9. 15. when you win fast "you win..."