Video Game History

  1. 3. - Iconic arcade shooter released in the late 1970s.
  2. 5. - An arcade game that inspired the creation of the Fairchild Channel F.
  3. 7. - A game similar to Pong but with spaceship-themed paddles.
  4. 8. - The alternative name for the Magnavox Odyssey in Brazil.
  5. 10. - Another early video game that was similar to Pong.
  6. 12. - An early electronic game, challenging players' memory skills.
  7. 15. - The first commercially sold arcade video game before Pong.
  8. 17. - The company that produced the Odyssey console.
  9. 20. - An arcade game released in 1973, involving elevators and people.
  1. 1. - One of the earliest arcade video games, a two-player target shooting game.
  2. 2. - An arcade game developed by Atari, inspired by Pong.
  3. 4. - A popular fixed shooter arcade game released in 1972.
  4. 6. - One of the first shooting games featuring spaceships.
  5. 9. - The first home video game console, released by Magnavox.
  6. 11. - One of the first naval-themed arcade games.
  7. 13. - The company responsible for releasing Computer Space.
  8. 14. - One of the earliest and most influential arcade video games.
  9. 16. - The company that released Pong and became a key player in video game history.
  10. 18. - A space-themed arcade game and a precursor to Galaga.
  11. 19. - An early vector graphics game simulating lunar landings.