Video Games

  1. 3. Best operator in Cod
  2. 4. Best Minecraft Player
  3. 8. The game that puts a new number on the title and gets millions of moneys
  4. 10. Best Australian (Apart From Chris Hemsworth)
  5. 13. The official Fat Neek (Full Name)
  1. 1. First ever video game
  2. 2. He Quit The SideMen
  3. 5. Worst Youtube Channel ever (Apart from logan and jake)
  4. 6. OP Weapon In Warzone (Used To Be)
  5. 7. Main character in Halo
  6. 9. A ball from Pokemon
  7. 11. Solid Snake is from which game
  8. 12. What is the dog in GTA 5 called?