  1. 3. little ball eats dots chased by ghosts
  2. 4. football
  3. 5. a tactical shooting game involving two teams with 5 players in each team.
  4. 8. racing and driving and drifting
  5. 9. game with blocks
  6. 11. a punishing climbing game
  7. 13. soccer
  8. 14. Soccer with cars
  1. 1. players place different types of plants each have defensive capabilities in order to stop a horde of zombies
  2. 2. first person shooter
  3. 6. 3rd person shooter.
  4. 7. Player Unknown battle grounds
  5. 10. 40 million games inside a game.
  6. 12. knock people out and survive
  7. 15. third person and first person action adventure game