Video games

  1. 1. a popular playstation exclusive that started on the ps3
  2. 3. the best wasteland rpg
  3. 5. a series where you play as kratos
  4. 9. one of the classic 2d fighting games
  5. 10. the most well known platformer
  6. 12. bungies biggest shooter since halo 3
  7. 14. a creepy indie rpg, inspired by earthbound
  8. 16. this game came out this year, and has been praised endlessly
  9. 17. a wacky first person shooter
  10. 19. the wierdest video game crossover
  11. 20. this series has multiple toys and tv shows along with games
  1. 2. this game is a military shooter
  2. 4. one of the most controversial series ever
  3. 6. the most played online game currently
  4. 7. one of the most graphically impressive star wars games
  5. 8. a popular soccer game
  6. 11. one of the most well regarded superhero games
  7. 13. this series is one of square enix's biggest properties
  8. 15. praise the sun
  9. 18. this game started a new genre with castlevania