Video Games

  1. 3. a task in video games that a player-controlled character, party, or group of characters may complete in order to gain a reward
  2. 7. A list or table logging the highest scores achieved in a particular game
  3. 8. an unintentional or unexpected delay between the start and end of a process
  4. 10. the collection of items picked up by the player character that increase their power or level up their abilities, such as currency, spells, equipment and weapons
  5. 12. A pejorative used to insult a player who is making mistakes that an experienced player would be expected to avoid
  6. 14. a saving function in many video games that saves the current progress without the player's input
  7. 18. a video game genre that emphasizes physical challenges, including hand–eye coordination and reaction time
  8. 19. an action that an avatar is capable of
  9. 20. The production company which makes a video game
  10. 22. a location in a game
  11. 24. The input device used to control a video game
  12. 25. A game mechanic to make a given item, character, etc. more powerful
  13. 26. how well each player has done relative to the other players in the game
  14. 29. designed for gamers to communicate clearly while playing games online
  15. 30. The player's representation in the game world
  1. 1. amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable
  2. 2. a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen.
  3. 4. a game that allows multiple players to play at once
  4. 5. A type of mission in a game where a number of people attempt to defeat either
  5. 6. a customization option for a player's in-game avatar or equipment that changes its appearance
  6. 9. Grand Theft Auto
  7. 11. A distinct configuration that varies game mechanics and affects gameplay
  8. 13. a derogatory term that implies a player is less effective than a computerized character
  9. 15. A game genre which emphasizes consideration and planning to achieve victory
  10. 16. a video game player or social media personality that is used as part of a game's promotion
  11. 17. An attribute showing how much damage a character can sustain before being incapacitated
  12. 21. Someone with experience, skill, and especially know-how in a certain game
  13. 23. a team of players working together to complete the same mission or quest
  14. 27. One of multiple chances that a player has to retry a task after failing
  15. 28. The reappearance of an entity, such as a character or object, after its death or destruction