Vietnam - Chapter 29

  1. 2. practical
  2. 4. Coordinated assault on 36 provincial capitals and 5 major cities during the lunar new year
  3. 5. Those who opposed LBJ's war policy
  4. 9. Those who supported LBJ's war policy
  5. 10. teachings
  6. 11. College where the Ohio National Guard opened fire on student protesters in 1970
  7. 13. postponement
  8. 14. American public's growing distrust of statements made by the government
  9. 19. approval and support
  10. 23. Jellied gasoline which was dropped in large canisters that exploded on impact
  11. 24. young men brought into the military
  1. 1. Act that restricted the President's ability to declare war without Congress
  2. 3. William ____________, American commander of forces in South Vietnam
  3. 6. NLF guerrilla fighters
  4. 7. to state positively; declare
  5. 8. to guarantee; secure
  6. 12. The most important voice demanding independence for Vietnam
  7. 13. The idea if Vietnam fell to communism, its closest neighbors would follow
  8. 15. Defined by concrete national interests instead of abstract ideologies
  9. 16. certain to happen
  10. 17. Resolution that authorized the President "to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the U.S. and to prevent further aggression"
  11. 18. A classified government history of America's involvement in Vietnam
  12. 20. Acronym for Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
  13. 21. City where massacre took place on March 16, 1968
  14. 22. to bring about; cause