Vietnam Conflict

  1. 3. Ho Chi Minh's nickname and symbol to his people.
  2. 4. coordinated series of north vietnamese attacks on more than 100 cities and outposts in the south.
  3. 7. a powerful herbicide used by the U.S military forces against the Vietnamese and their plant life.
  4. 10. neutral nation west of Vietnam that was attacked under Nixon's authorization.
  5. 13. the operation/program in which the U.S used aggressive chemical warfare.
  6. 14. The emperor Ho Chi Minh protested against in Hue.
  7. 15. President who promised to end U.S involvement in Vietnam
  8. 16. the battle that began in January of 1968, lasted 77 days.
  9. 17. Tunnels made by the Viet Cong.
  1. 1. commander of the MACV from 1964-1968.
  2. 2. The country in this war is taking place (north with viet cong vs south with U.S).
  3. 5. the part of Vietnam U.S supported and worked with.
  4. 6. University where 4 students were shot for protesting the Vietnam war.
  5. 8. congressional resolution designed to limit the U.S president's ability to escalate/initiate military actions abroad.
  6. 9. leader of northern vietnam forces and viet minh.
  7. 11. Village where Vietnamese people were massacred by U.S soldiers.
  8. 12. The original name for Ho Chi Minh city.