Vietnam War Causes and Effects

  1. 2. Vietnamese political Revolution?
  2. 4. French educated Emperor of Vietnam
  3. 6. What year did South Vietnam Fall?
  4. 7. What theory scared JFK into fighting for Democracy in Vietnam?
  5. 9. How many people died in the Vietnam War?
  6. 11. Other country that helped Communist Vietnam?
  7. 12. What war was going on between America and Russia at the same time as the Vietnam War?
  8. 14. How many South Vietnamese soldiers died in the war
  9. 15. Did Communism or Democracy win in Vietnam?
  10. 17. What the Vietnam War was called in Vietnam?
  11. 18. Which direction is Vietnam in Asia?
  12. 19. Which accords did Nixon sign to get troops out of Vietnam?
  1. 1. President that finally withdrew US troops from Vietnam?
  2. 3. Which nation was helping the Communist side of Vietnam?
  3. 5. Which war caused Japanese troops to go into Vietnam?
  4. 6. What year did the US pull out of the war?
  5. 8. War fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam?
  6. 10. Communist Vietnam Leader?
  7. 13. President involved in domino effect?
  8. 16. Abbreviation for Democratic Republic of Vietnam?