  1. 3. dishonest conduct by those in power i.e. bribery
  2. 5. basic dress for the Vietcong soldiers
  3. 8. a point at which neither side can make any gains
  4. 10. tactic used to try and win over citizens by helping them
  5. 11. America feared getting them involved in the war
  6. 12. the type of geography such as hills, rivers, etc.
  1. 1. tactic used by Vietcong to surprise American soldiers
  2. 2. explosives, arrows,or stakes rigged to surprise soldiers and maim or kill
  3. 4. muddy terrain that sinks underfoot and is hard to get out of
  4. 6. sharpened bamboo placed into a hole and concealed
  5. 7. not being focused on the surroundings
  6. 9. extensive, underground pathways and living areas