Virginia Vale Swim Team

  1. 3. VV Head Coach
  2. 8. tool to build strong legs
  3. 9. keep water out of your eyes
  4. 11. # of hands you touch with for fly
  5. 16. All 4 strokes
  6. 18. hole filled with water
  7. 20. youngest in age group
  8. 21. Best backstroker of the coaches
  9. 25. torpedo
  10. 26. 4 person team
  11. 27. the fastest stroke
  1. 1. dont flip over
  2. 2. leg movement
  3. 4. __________kick
  4. 5. free/back walls
  5. 6. up!out!together!
  6. 7. Oldest 9-10 coach
  7. 10. VV Mascot
  8. 12. first place medal
  9. 13. oldest in age group
  10. 14. end of season celebration
  11. 15. hardest stroke??
  12. 17. aisle for swimmers
  13. 19. post race recognition
  14. 22. Fastest coach
  15. 23. fly back breast free
  16. 24. two laps