Virginie & Sören

  1. 3. Our shared hobby
  2. 6. Best self-made dish by Sören
  3. 8. Our wedding motto
  4. 9. Bigger shoe collection
  5. 11. Our dream vacation destination
  6. 12. Sören's nerdy hobby
  7. 13. Virginie's eye colour
  8. 17. Virginie's favourite city in Europe
  9. 18. Our favourite film genre
  10. 20. Sören's middle name
  11. 22. The couple's "nickname"
  12. 23. Sören's favourite drink
  13. 24. Sören's eye colour
  14. 25. Our location of first appartment
  15. 26. Year we became a couple
  1. 1. First concert together
  2. 2. Virginie's favourite dessert
  3. 4. Virginie's dream concert
  4. 5. Virginie's mood after a couple of drinks
  5. 7. Sören's second favourite sports
  6. 10. Sören's favourite series genre
  7. 14. Driving skill Virginie is better at
  8. 15. Our anniversary month
  9. 16. Virginie's first instrument
  10. 19. Virginie's first name
  11. 21. Our proposal month and year