Virtual Jaulah- Team Task

  1. 3. Traditional house in Korean
  2. 6. This person created Hangeul (Korean characters)
  3. 7. What is the other name of the Nami Island?
  4. 9. Most of the shopping spots are in ________ area
  5. 11. When you see this place's name, it will remind of you for Picnic and fun!(refer to VH slide)
  6. 14. Replace 'awe'some with 2 (refer to VH slide)
  7. 15. It is a restaurant that serves steak with a stone name.(refer to VH slide)
  1. 1. Seafood is a must if you go to this place
  2. 2. How many seasons that South Korea have?
  3. 4. You can easily find 'this' in Idae and Shinchon shopping spots
  4. 5. You will want to come to this spot for the cheap and quality souvenir
  5. 8. Where is the second mosque in the South Korea
  6. 10. Where is the first mosque in the South Korea
  7. 12. The korean currency
  8. 13. Malaysian Favourite kebab in Itaewon