Virus Vocabulary

  1. 1. cycle one of the two cycles of viral reproduction
  2. 5. any of a group of viruses that infect specific bacteria, usually causing their disintegration or dissolution.
  3. 7. reproduction the formation of biological viruses during the infection process in the target host cells
  4. 8. proteins
  5. 9. Coat made up of protein sub units called capsomere. Additional layer of lipid molecules may envelope the protein coat
  6. 10. of viruses
  7. 12. site are actually proteins that are on the surface of each cell.
  8. 14. units
  9. 15. the doctor gives you
  10. 17. in the prefix genic
  1. 1. cycle one of the two cycles of viral reproduction
  2. 2. the protein shell of a virus.
  3. 3. a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases
  4. 4. any of a group of RNA viruses which insert a DNA copy of their genome into the host cell in order to replicate, e.g. HIV
  5. 6. new viruses
  6. 9. that are surfaced
  7. 11. of the two cycles of viral reproduction
  8. 13. misfolded proteins with the ability to transmit their misfolded shape onto normal variants of the same protein
  9. 16. of a virus