
  1. 2. viruses can go ____ inside its host for a period of time
  2. 4. Viruses are not made of ___, they live in ____
  3. 9. Step two in viral replication
  4. 11. viruses do not need ___ to live
  5. 12. highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages
  6. 13. viral infection affecting the skin and nervous system
  1. 1. step in which a virus absorbs to a susceptible host
  2. 3. viruses feed and live off their ____
  3. 5. The entire intact virus
  4. 6. a virus needs a host to live and ___
  5. 7. A single virus is no more than ____ of an inch
  6. 8. an infectious agent made up of a core of nucleic acid and a protein coat
  7. 10. viruses evolve and are able to __ to their surrounding environment.