Viruses & Bacteria

  1. 1. contact through intercourse
  2. 4. virus breakout
  3. 5. stage or virus replication
  4. 6. make up virus envelopes
  5. 7. indicates presence of disease
  6. 11. bu__ing
  7. 12. body's response to virus
  8. 15. single cell organisms
  9. 17. latest covid version
  10. 18. spread worldwide
  11. 20. it means can be spread
  12. 22. makes up genes
  13. 23. trans__________
  14. 24. weakened virus fragment
  15. 26. smallest infectious particle
  16. 27. can harbor bacteria
  1. 2. stage virus DNA injection
  2. 3. destroys viruses
  3. 8. missing in bacteria organelles
  4. 9. can be passed through air
  5. 10. cheapest chemical to destroy viruses
  6. 11. holds viruses in air
  7. 13. fecal-________
  8. 14. splits in half
  9. 16. disease-causing toxin
  10. 19. severe acute __________ syndrome
  11. 21. sites on virus surface
  12. 24. disease carrier
  13. 25. aka sars-CoV-2