VIS Nutrition

  1. 4. I'm used on sandwiches instead of butter or margarine. I'm rich in foliate, vitamins C, K, A, and good source of fibre. I am the key ingredient to guacamole.
  2. 5. I am always at birthday parties. I am fizzy and tasty but I contain at least 9 teaspoons of sugar!
  3. 9. I am in the food you eat every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer but increase weight loss. I’m most famously found in bread and pasta.
  4. 12. I’m the most important meal of the day, without me you miss key nutrients that your unlikely to get later in the day.
  5. 14. A slice of me contains about 16 grams of fat, so a whole one contains around 150 grams of fat, which is roughly how much a cricket ball weighs! I am always served at birthdays.
  6. 15. You take me after you go to the gym because I help muscles grow. I restore muscle tissue and believe it or not, insects contain high levels of me.
  7. 17. I measure how quickly carbs are absorbed into the blood stream. High GI foods are absorbed quickly and give you a sugar shot. Whereas, low GI foods take longer to be absorbed, which helps you prepare for sport and also makes you feel fuller for longer.
  8. 18. I contain an anti-viral property called allicin, which helps the immune system and makes your cold go away. I am put on bread and in foods, but I can make your breath smell.
  1. 1. I'm full of Vitamin C and anti-oxidants. Many mistake me for an orange.
  2. 2. I am a vegetable that contains a lot of starch but I’m low in calories, full of fibre, potassium and vitamin C. I rhyme with tornados.
  3. 3. A packet of me has a similar amount of fat to one slice of cake (16 grams). I am crispy and crunchy and sold in many flavours. You can buy from vending machines next to chocolate and lollies.
  4. 6. I am a super food which provides extra nutrients. I am full of Vitamin C and I'm part of the berries group.
  5. 7. I am a nutritional powerhouse and contain the highest quality protein you can buy. I contain 11 different vitamins and minerals. People always ask: “What came first? The chicken or the ___?”
  6. 8. If you find yourself hungry or eating too much all the time, I help you feel fuller for longer. I reduce the risk of disease, which is why people say: “An _____ keeps the doctor away”
  7. 10. I am found on every foods package. Products often boast that, for example, they are low in fat. But are they really? Check the nutritional information on the back!
  8. 11. Studies have shown that taking me won’t stop you from getting a cold but may reduce symptoms. I am found in oranges, which are used during sports as I help repair tissues.
  9. 13. People who are overweight or unhealthy are used by me. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that I work over long periods of time but the answer is simple- make sure the kilojoules you take in don’t exceed the kilojoules you are burning up. I rhyme with riots.
  10. 16. I’m not as beneficial as fresh fruit and veg but I do the job. Many adults take me every day and I am swallowed whole with a big glass of water.