
  1. 3. the reduction in activity in one neuron by activity in neighboring neurons
  2. 4. theory suggesting we perceive color in terms of opposites
  3. 6. an impaired ability to perceive movement
  4. 9. type of neuron in the retina that receives input directly from the receptors
  5. 10. non-adjustable part of the eye that focuses light
  6. 13. inability to perceive color differences
  7. 19. type of neuron in the retina that receives input from the bipolar cells
  8. 22. inability to recognize objects despite otherwise satisfactory vision
  9. 23. adjustable part of the eye that focuses light
  10. 24. primary visual cortex
  11. 25. damage to this area leads to loss in color constancy
  12. 27. visual path in the parietal cortex that helps the motor system locate objects; the “where” path
  13. 28. theory that color is perceived through the relative rates of response by three kinds of cones, each on maximally sensitive to a different set of wavelengths; also called Young-Helmholtz theory
  14. 31. type of retinal receptor that contributes to color perception
  15. 32. the rear surface of the eye which is lined with visual receptors
  1. 1. statement that whatever excites a particular nerve always sends the same kind of information to the brain
  2. 2. prefix for large cell bodies with large receptive fields that are distributed evenly throughout the retina
  3. 5. type of retinal receptors that detect brightness of light
  4. 7. colored area of eye
  5. 8. the inability to recognize faces due to damage of several brain areas
  6. 11. type of cell that receives input from receptors and delivers inhibitory input to bipolar cells
  7. 12. ganglion cells located in the fovea of humans and other primates
  8. 14. area where axons from each eye cross to the opposite side of the brain
  9. 15. ganglion cell axons that exit through the back of the eye and continue to the brain
  10. 16. visual paths in the temporal cortex that are specialized for identifying and recognizing objects; the “what” path
  11. 17. an opening in the center of the iris where light enters
  12. 18. geniculate nucleus that receives incoming visual information
  13. 20. the ability to respond in limited ways to visual information without perceiving it consciously
  14. 21. prefix for small cell bodies with small receptive fields in or near the fovea
  15. 26. theory that the cortex compares information from various parts of the retina to determine the brightness and color for each area
  16. 29. cells that get information from bipolar cells; various types refine the input to ganglion cells
  17. 30. prefix for small ganglion cells that occur throughout the retina