Visitor Attractions

  1. 2. A three-dimensional sculpture or representation of a person, animal, deity, mythological figure, or object, typically created from stone, metal, wood, or other materials.
  2. 5. A facility or structure designed to house and display aquatic plants and animals, typically for public viewing and educational purposes.
  3. 9. A landscaped area or facility dedicated to the cultivation, display, and conservation of a wide variety of plants, including flowering plants, trees, shrubs, and exotic species from around the world.
  4. 10. A tall, slender structure or building that rises significantly above its surroundings, often used for observation, communication, or as a defensive fortification.
  1. 1. A large fortified residence or stronghold, typically constructed with thick walls, towers, and defensive features, such as moats or battlements.
  2. 3. A sacred or religious building used for worship, prayer, meditation, and rituals by adherents of various religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and others.
  3. 4. A public space, building, or area where goods, commodities, and services are bought and sold, often by vendors or merchants.
  4. 6. The remains or remnants of a structure, building, or settlement that has been partially or completely destroyed over time, often due to natural disasters, warfare, or abandonment.
  5. 7. A sheltered body of water, such as a bay, inlet, or cove, where ships and boats can anchor safely, load and unload cargo, or seek refuge from rough seas.
  6. 8. A place of worship for followers of Islam, where Muslims gather for communal prayers, religious ceremonies, and spiritual activities.