Vista Trivia

  1. 4. The cooking pathway
  2. 5. the school motto
  3. 6. An assistant principal Dr. ___
  4. 8. The horse club guy
  5. 9. coach
  6. 14. school nurse
  7. 16. botany club sponser
  8. 17. Dr. Anderson teaches this
  9. 18. math teacher with all the plants
  10. 19. call him when you are going to miss school
  11. 22. meet with him for your graduation plan
  12. 23. they can help you with your math
  13. 24. if you have school questions ask this secretary
  1. 1. teaches English Mr. __
  2. 2. loves video games
  3. 3. talk to him if you are having a bad day
  4. 4. teaches English Ms. ___
  5. 5. The school principle
  6. 7. student council sponsor
  7. 10. An assistant principal Mr. ____
  8. 11. school social worker
  9. 12. A Social Studies Teacher
  10. 13. Mr. Katman teaches this
  11. 14. school psychologist
  12. 15. speech club sponsor
  13. 20. its all about math
  14. 21. one of the counselors