Visual and Auditory System

  1. 2. In the transduction of light, the retinal changes shape and leads to increased binging of what protein?
  2. 4. The left visual field is imaged on the ______ side of retina
  3. 7. Binding of transducin sets off a cascade that leads to activation of what enzyme?
  4. 11. This type of photoreceptor is used for night vision
  5. 15. What is the first ossicle of the middle ear?
  6. 17. The _______ is a small opening in the eye surrounded by the iris
  7. 18. This word refers to the quality of sound
  8. 19. As axons leave the LGN, they form optic _______
  9. 20. This type of ganglion cells are responsible for transient bursts of action potentials when stimulated
  10. 21. The region of the thalamus important for vision is called _____ (abbreviation enough)
  1. 1. Hair cells with ______ are auditory receptors located on the basilar membrane
  2. 3. ______ of the light wavelength corresponds to brightness
  3. 5. Photoreceptors release what neurotransmitter when depolarised?
  4. 6. There is a high amount of this photoreceptor in the fovea
  5. 8. ______ hearing loss occurs when their is damage to auditory nerves or hair cells in cochlea
  6. 9. The membranous labyrinth is filled with what fluid?
  7. 10. What sulcus separates the primary visual cortex into upper and lower portions?
  8. 12. The lower visual field is imaged on the ______ retina
  9. 13. One-to-one wiring of cones allows for detail discrimination, also known as high ______
  10. 14. Opposite optic nerves join at the optic ______
  11. 16. Sound waves are transmitted from the oval window to the scala ______
  12. 20. The region of the thalamus important for sound is called _____ (abbreviation enough)