  1. 2. The judges of the International Criminal Court are elected by the Assembly of ………….. to the Rome Statute, the founding instrument of the Court
  2. 4. International Court of Justice settles arguments between ……….
  3. 5. The International Criminal Court is composed of ……………. Judges.
  4. 9. One of the major countries which has neither signed nor ratified the Roman Statute which was instrumental in the establishment of ICC.
  5. 10. The crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, ………….., the crime of aggression are the crimes within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, as set out in its Statute.
  6. 13. The World Day for International Justice was observed for the first time in the year two thousand …………..
  7. 14. Acronym of Victims Information, Sensitization, Welfare Assistance Society.
  8. 15. The World Day for International Justice is celebrated to commemorate the historic adoption of the …………………. and establishment of the new system of international criminal justice in the year 1998.
  9. 17. On 17 July Nineteen ………… , member States adopted a statute in Rome - known as the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court establishing the International Criminal Court.
  10. 19. The International Criminal Court was created on 1 July Two thousand …..
  11. 20. The British national who is the current Chief Prosecutor in the International Criminal Court.
  12. 21. The International Criminal Court prosecutes ......................... accused of committing the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, namely the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression
  13. 22. In which Ugandan city the Review Conference of the Rome Statute was held on 1 June 2010 which decided to celebrate the International Criminal Justice Day on 17 July?
  1. 1. The ICC is composed of four organs: the Presidency, the …………..., the Office of the Prosecutor and the Registry. Each of these organs has a specific role and mandate
  2. 3. Tenure of the President of International Criminal Court.
  3. 6. World Day for International Justice, also referred to as Day of International …………... Justice or International Justice Day.
  4. 7. The ICC is an independent body whose mission is to try individuals for crimes within its jurisdiction without the need for a special mandate from the …………….
  5. 8. The Polish national who is the current President of the International Criminal Court Judge
  6. 11. The first State to ratify the Rome Statute?.
  7. 12. The judges of the International Criminal Court are elected for terms of office of ……... Years.
  8. 16. The city in which the Headquarters of the International Criminal Court is located.
  9. 18. The aim of World Day of International Justice is to unite everyone who wants to support justice as well as promote rights of ………..…..