Voc. p. 132/ 133

  1. 2. >> to go through
  2. 8. >> a mistake
  3. 9. >> railroad AE
  4. 10. >< wide
  5. 12. >< heavy
  6. 13. >> pen pal AE
  7. 15. > a piece of clothing
  8. 16. >> instant
  9. 18. to let fresh air into a room, etc.
  10. 20. bike
  1. 1. to make something less or smaller
  2. 3. > to have a very high opinion of someone
  3. 4. to become slower, to make something slower
  4. 5. >> plane
  5. 6. to make something start to happen
  6. 7. >< success
  7. 11. to put one thing in place of another thing
  8. 14. >> at once
  9. 17. > to connect one thing to another
  10. 19. to put a small piece of equipment into a place