voc & port

  1. 2. Skilled writers can _______ a sense of mystery and suspense.
  2. 4. Cesar Chavez was an _______ for workers’ rights.
  3. 6. An opening prayer is often as an _______ .
  4. 7. She was _______ to her friend who was sad and crying.
  5. 9. The newspaper _______ interviewed me for her article.
  6. 10. Unlike my desktop computer, my laptop is _______ .
  7. 11. Reading is a great way to improve your _______ .
  8. 13. His comments were _______ and caused a lot of anger.
  9. 15. On Star Trek, the characters can _______ from one place to another.
  1. 1. Teaching is my chosen _______ .
  2. 3. Walking is my favorite form of _______ .
  3. 5. After my brother snooped in my room, I had to _______ his visiting privileges.
  4. 8. President Obama has a very _______ job.
  5. 12. Ella played a song on the piano with _______ accompaniment.
  6. 14. Trade involves the import and _______ of goods between countries.