
  1. 4. a place in which a colony or colonies of bees are kept, as a stand or shed for beehives or a bee house containing a number of beehives.
  2. 6. of one mind; in complete agreement; agreed.
  3. 8. a manner of walking, stepping, or running.
  4. 11. to prepare and work on (land) in order to raise crops; till.
  5. 13. a glass container, chiefly or wholly enclosed, for growing and displaying plants.
  6. 15. force or speed of movement; impetus, as of a physical object or course of events
  7. 16. the state of being or living alone; seclusion:
  8. 18. a person who kills another; murderer.
  9. 19. walk without lifting the feet or with clumsy steps and a shambling gait.
  1. 1. the natural environment of an organism; the place that is natural for the life and growth of an organism:
  2. 2. something that causes a person to act in a certain way, do a certain thing, etc.; incentive.
  3. 3. or tumultuous motion; agitation; noisy disturbance:
  4. 5. Also arboreous . living in or among trees.
  5. 7. full of life, action, or spirit; lively; vigorous
  6. 9. the science of plants; the branch of biology that deals with plant life.
  7. 10. or growing in water
  8. 12. out-of-the-way; secluded:
  9. 14. Digital Technology. pertaining to or noting a cell phone, usually one with computing ability, or a portable, wireless computing device used while held in the hand, as in mobile tablet; mobile PDA; mobile app.
  10. 17. to reduce to a lower grade, rank, class, or position (opposed to promote):