
  1. 5. restriction on the number of units a particular product that can be imported into a country
  2. 7. transfering manufacturing or other tasks to countries where labor and supplies are cheaper
  3. 8. ratio at which a countrys currency can be exchaged for another countries currency
  4. 9. purchase of goods from foreign sources
  5. 12. when a company is the only source of an item
  6. 13. prohibition on trade in a particular product
  7. 14. difference between flow of money in and out of a count
  8. 15. sale of goods to foreign countries
  9. 16. agreeing to a monopoly between countries
  1. 1. when a country can make somthing more effeciently or at a lower cost.
  2. 2. negative balance of trade
  3. 3. physical facilities that support a countries economy
  4. 4. difference of value between imports and exports
  5. 6. tax leveled by a antion on goods imported into the country
  6. 10. regulations that restrict amount of currency that can be sold or bought
  7. 11. country selling products for less than the cost to produce them