vocab 7/8

  1. 2. your aunt or uncles son
  2. 3. you wear this in cheer
  3. 5. pet
  4. 7. you wear these shoes in the winter
  5. 9. parents brother
  6. 13. boy you date
  7. 14. you wear these to see
  8. 15. your aunt or uncles daughter
  9. 16. to be
  10. 17. you wear these in you ears
  11. 19. shoes you wear in the summer
  1. 1. girl you date
  2. 4. you wear this in the winter
  3. 6. pants you wear in the summer
  4. 8. to say
  5. 10. you wear these with shoes
  6. 11. you wear this when u get married
  7. 12. your kids kid
  8. 15. goes on your wrist
  9. 18. parents sister