Vocab Age of Exploration

  1. 3. a disease in lack of vitamin C
  2. 5. the act of taking unfair advantage of a person or group
  3. 7. a narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water
  4. 12. someone who makes or draws maps
  5. 14. a body’s ability to remain free of illness even after being exposed
  6. 17. a special journey taken by a group
  7. 18. a group of ships sailing under the same captain under the same purpose
  8. 19. the cause of the illness
  9. 20. to prepare for sailing
  1. 1. a crop used to make money
  2. 2. the bottom or sides of a boat
  3. 4. to travel completely around something ( such as the Earth) especially by water
  4. 6. a unit of distance about 3 miles long
  5. 8. a fleet of large ships
  6. 9. the process of exploring
  7. 10. where the ship's crew rebel against their captain
  8. 11. the Spanish word for conqueror
  9. 12. a way to preserve meat or other food by smoking or salting it
  10. 13. to carry boats over land from one waterway to another
  11. 15. a navigational instrument used to determine the latitude and longitude
  12. 16. a reason for take specific action