- 1. Denominator
- 3. idea of flipping upside down
- 5. positive and negative and whole numbers
- 6. center of a number line
- 9. numbers to the left of zero
- 11. amount of space between two numbers
- 12. numbers counting numbers but starting at 0
- 14. inverse
- 17. Decimal numbers that do not repeat
- 18. the answer to division problems
- 19. numbers to the right of zero
- 2. what you are counting by on the number line
- 4. Integers, fractions, decimals,
- 7. Numerator
- 8. same distance away from 0
- 10. point or number that is equally
- 13. taking numbers outside of the parentheses
- 14. set of rules on how to do a problem
- 15. identity
- 16. line a way to represent locations of number