Vocab Crossword

  1. 2. the facility of power or using one’s will
  2. 4. an unorthodox or independent-minded person
  3. 7. fond of company or sociable
  4. 9. an uneasy feeling about one’s conduct
  5. 10. deserving strong condemnations
  6. 11. instigate or stir up
  7. 14. longer than the most direct way
  8. 16. in an initial stage
  9. 18. deserving praise
  10. 21. causing harm or damage
  11. 23. a person or thing that come before another
  12. 24. having an uncooperative attitude to authority
  13. 25. expressing disapproval
  14. 28. a tiny trace of a feeling
  15. 30. shock or surprise someone into taking action
  16. 31. think deeply about something
  17. 32. intensify or increase
  18. 35. generous or forgiving especially towards rival
  19. 37. made necessarily by particular circumstances
  20. 39. with referring to or concerning
  21. 41. issue or spread from a source
  22. 42. publicly criticized
  23. 44. satisfy to the full
  24. 45. very attentive to accuracy in detail
  25. 46. a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another
  26. 47. make a problem worse
  27. 48. vehement or clamorous
  28. 49. a small quantity of a particular item, especially considered desirable
  29. 50. make less severe
  1. 1. approval or praise
  2. 3. sudden change in mood or behavior
  3. 5. cause a bad event to happen
  4. 6. unable to be placated
  5. 8. wicked or criminal
  6. 12. de vivre, exuberant enjoyment of life
  7. 13. the process of releasing strong emotions
  8. 15. badly planned
  9. 17. kept secret especially if not approved of
  10. 19. well meaning or kindly
  11. 20. remove a difficulty
  12. 22. annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand
  13. 26. too great to calculate
  14. 27. clever or skillful in using hands or minds
  15. 29. bad tempered or argumentative
  16. 33. a person or thing that is mysterious or puzzling
  17. 34. interpret something wrongly
  18. 36. lacking a plan
  19. 38. unchanging over time
  20. 40. sharpness of thought or hearing
  21. 43. cause a large amount of damage or harm