VOCAB CrossWord

  1. 3. Organization of workers that tries to improve working conditions.
  2. 5. Organized work stoppage intend to force & employer to address union demands.
  3. 9. The theory that suggest that the compilation of colleges that about applications for intelligent hard workers.
  4. 12. Work that requires skilled educations and skilled training.
  5. 14. Unofficial border that sometimes provides women of minorities from advancing.
  6. 16. All non military price people who employed or unemployed.
  7. 18. Work That requires no specified skills,education or training.
  1. 1. Workers that are allowed to work & live in the USA.
  2. 2. The wage of price labor that is set when the supply of workers meets demand.
  3. 4. The quantity of output produced by a unit of labor.
  4. 6. A measure who performs
  5. 7. The theory that educating increases efficiently of production results in higher wages.
  6. 8. Work that requires minimal work,education and training.
  7. 10. The practice of negotiating labor contracts that keep unnecessary workers on pay.
  8. 11. Work that requires specified work education and training.
  9. 13. A demand that is set by demand for another form of good or service.
  10. 15. The movement of some of a company's of production or resources of production.
  11. 17. The practice of contracting with another company to do a specific job that would otherwise.