Vocab Crossword- super test 1

  1. 1. / to hate intensly
  2. 3. / to shrink back in fear, dislike, or disguest
  3. 6. / completely honest
  4. 7. / to capture strong interest or attention
  5. 10. suppress / to prevent something to be published or known
  6. 11. suppress / to end by force or effort
  7. 13. / having one use among many possible uses; spcific
  8. 15. / pleasant; friendly
  9. 17. / dependable; able to be trusted
  10. 20. / hateful scorn
  11. 21. / the words surrounding the words that make its meaning clear
  12. 22. / charming; having the power to atract
  13. 23. / a list of definitions for terms or important words used in a certain text
  14. 26. / a thought or idea
  15. 27. / a word that means the opposite of another word
  1. 2. / easy to see, clear, apparent
  2. 4. / able to accomplish a result; useful in bringing about a result
  3. 5. / to copy the words or ideas of another person and claim they are your own.
  4. 8. retain / to hold or keep
  5. 9. / inspiring or deserving hatred
  6. 10. genuine / real; not copied or fake
  7. 11. / to fool or deceive; to mislead
  8. 12. / vocabulary particular to a certain subject
  9. 14. / a word formed from another word
  10. 16. / to invent in order to deceive
  11. 18. / strong moral character; the state of sticking strictly to one's morals
  12. 19. / fair; not favoring one side over the other
  13. 21. / to need or desire strongly
  14. 24. / a word with the same, or nearly the same, meaning as another word
  15. 25. / wonder, fear, or respect of something impressive