Vocab "Living interactive lives"

  1. 6. to ... smth. ; Adopting something new. Hugging someone
  2. 8. to ... from smth. ; syn.: to profit
  3. 9. to ... sb. ; German: ausbeuten
  4. 10. Between stranger and friend.
  5. 11. syn.: doubt
  1. 1. Digitalization made ... learning much more accessible.
  2. 2. Working together in a group.
  3. 3. syn.: accidentally
  4. 4. to ... smth. ; Trying to achieve/reach something
  5. 5. to ... to smth. ; Trying to reach a specific audience.
  6. 7. to ... smth. ; syn.: collect
  7. 10. to ... sb. ; Hurting someone, physically or verbally.