- 2. when a fractions numerator is bigger than the denominator so you have to make it less
- 4. number consistent of whole and fraction part
- 7. an angle that is formed between the horizontal line and the line of sight.
- 8. a number that divides a number to only a remainder or completely gone
- 12. any number that can be written as a fraction
- 14. the number you get when you solve a problem
- 16. a number with no remainder
- 17. the number you get when you add two or more numbers
- 18. when you add a number
- 19. the value we obtain when we divide one value by another
- 22. a value is divided by another value
- 23. whole number not a fractional number
- 24. a number without fractions or decimals
- 25. a function that cant take both values
- 26. largest factors all the numbers share
- 1. when a fraction has a like denominator
- 3. a set of numbers that when added together equal zero
- 5. when two numbers equal something
- 6. calculating a value using operands and math operator
- 9. a positive number
- 10. a number that is not a whole number
- 11. adding or subtracting a number
- 13. any mathematical statement that consist of numbers, variables and an arithmetic number in between them
- 15. a positive integer
- 20. a negative number
- 21. result of subtracting one number from another number