Vocab List 11

  1. 3. the farming of aquatic organisms for profit
  2. 4. the deterioration of arable or forested land into desert as a result of overgrazing and lack of irrigation and climate change
  3. 6. marker or unit that can be used to measure the abundance of a wilk stock such as cod
  4. 8. organisms caught during the fishing operation that are not of the targeted species
  5. 9. the exchanges between, and merging of, global markets, cultures and ideas
  6. 11. the removal or pollutants and contaminants from an environment so that it can be safely used for another purpose or restored
  1. 1. the damage and loss of topsoil due to inappropriate farming practices
  2. 2. farming farming practice in which the farmer only grows the food need for his or her immediate family
  3. 5. the use of methods that actively reduce the amount of both soil and nutrients lost from the soil during crop production
  4. 7. arid or semiarid land that supports a mix of grasses or low shrubs and may be used for grazing
  5. 10. unwanted plants that are growing within a particular area of land