vocab list 3

  1. 3. The belief that one’s own culture is superior to all others and/or a tendency to assess situations in terms one’s own culture and be unable or unwilling to see situations from another culture’s perspective.
  2. 6. Ideas and feelings about beauty or artistic taste.
  3. 7. The process of learning about, accepting, and adopting the traits of another culture.
  4. 8. The practice of giving a family member, instead of a stranger, a job or promotion, even if the stranger is more qualified to do the job.
  5. 9. communication The ways in which people use their bodies to express meaning/emotion.
  6. 11. A group of people with similar attitudes; a community.
  7. 12. An element of culture that describes spoken and unspoken language. There are two types of communication: linguistic, which uses language, and nonlinguistic, which uses gestures and expressions.
  8. 15. The ideals and morals of a society—what the members consider good or bad.
  9. 16. A standard way of behaving as established by a particular culture.
  1. 1. The accepted code of behavior among a group of people.
  2. 2. An element of culture that describes the way a society is set up.
  3. 4. The Chinese concept of relationships built on trust. Guanxi is an essential element of successful business dealings.
  4. 5. The ability to speak or write a language smoothly, easily, or readily.
  5. 10. Nearness. Physical proximity is one of the ways people communicate nonverbally.
  6. 13. family The mother, father, and children of a family.
  7. 14. An element of culture that describes the way people act and/or feel.