Vocab. List 5

  1. 3. synonym of haughty
  2. 5. opposed in nature
  3. 6. synonym of florid
  4. 8. thrifty, cheap
  5. 9. synonym of frugal
  6. 10. to attribute an action to particular person incompatible opposed in nature
  7. 11. synonym of hackneyed
  8. 13. rash, impulsive, acting without thinking
  9. 15. arrogant and condescending
  10. 17. synonym of hedonist
  11. 19. synonym of incompatible
  1. 1. synonym of impute
  2. 2. synonym of hypothesis
  3. 4. synonym of fortuitous
  4. 7. person who pursues pleasure as a goal
  5. 8. red-colored, flushed; gaudy, ornate
  6. 12. synonym of impetuous
  7. 14. assumption, theory requiring proof
  8. 16. cliched, worn out by overuse
  9. 18. happening by luck, fortunate