Vocab List 7 Level 2 (The Young Fireman, Pg 123-126)

  1. 3. تأرجح past tense of swing
  2. 5. مشتعل to be on fire
  3. 6. انضم became part of something
  4. 8. رائحة catch the scent of something with your nose
  5. 9. عبر going into from end to end
  6. 12. متعجل to go quickly
  7. 13. ارتجاف shaking after being scared/cold/hurt
  8. 16. جرار زراعى a kind of heavy motor vehicle
  9. 17. كافية the amount needed
  10. 19. فخ a trick; something to fool you
  1. 1. مكتب المدير fall to the bottom of
  2. 2. هرب to get away
  3. 4. النيران blazing fire
  4. 7. مصاب hurt; to be in pain
  5. 8. عثرة falling over; moving with difficulty
  6. 10. الحركات motions; to move
  7. 11. مذعور frightened; afraid
  8. 14. حرق to be on fire; destroy by fire
  9. 15. استراحة separate into pieces
  10. 18. ثقيل a lot of weight; hard to carry