Vocab puzzle

  1. 1. a hiding place; something hidden in a hiding place,
  2. 5. to ignite, to arouse or inspire, to catch fire, to become aroused,
  3. 7. to make easy; to bring about,
  4. 8. to arouse suddenly; to startle,
  5. 9. a systematic naming in an art or science,
  6. 10. from the right path or usual course of action: a mental disorder, especially of a minor or temporary nature,
  7. 13. to blot out leaving no traces; to destroy,
  8. 15. used too often, trite, commonplace,
  1. 2. to decline,
  2. 3. a maze, a complicated, perplexing arrangement or course of affairs,
  3. 4. the specialized vocabulary of members of a group,
  4. 6. a person who attacks cherished beliefs or established institutions,
  5. 11. spiteful, intentionally mischievous or harmful,
  6. 12. shortage,
  7. 14. to make something seem less important,