Vocab puzzle

  1. 4. an order from the supreme court to a lower court to send up the records on a case for review
  2. 7. the divisions under the united states federal court system, grouped into 12 regional circuits, each of which has a federal court of appeals
  3. 8. the philosophy that courts should generally avoid overturning laws passed or actions taken by democratically elected bodies
  4. 10. issued when the justices all agree on the outcome and the reasons for a decision in a case
  5. 12. a legal principe created by an appellate court decision that lower court judges must follow when deciding similar cases
  6. 17. courts thats generally hear cases that raise question about a federal law or federal constitution
  7. 18. a formal charge of criminal action by a grand jury
  1. 1. attorney who represents the government in a criminal case
  2. 2. the person against whom a civil or criminal suit is brought in court
  3. 3. a document issued by judges who agree with the majority opinion, but for different reasons compared to those who support the majority reason
  4. 5. the authority of a trial court to be the first to hear a case
  5. 6. a memeber of the supreme court
  6. 9. a agreement where the defendant pleads guilty to lesser crimes than what they were originally charged with in return they donĀ“t get charged with a more serious crime
  7. 11. the legal principle of determining points in litigation according to precedent
  8. 13. a trial system that is a contest between opposing sides
  9. 14. attorney who works for the state and defends people who cannot afford a private attorney
  10. 15. in a civil trial, the person who brings suit in court
  11. 16. the power of the supreme court to declare laws and actions of local, state or national governments unconstitutional