Vocab words

  1. 3. ______ for your sins
  2. 4. somebody that you adore
  3. 8. Something that has to do with memories
  4. 9. what happens in Jenga games
  5. 12. Something hard to come across or hold
  6. 14. Unimportant
  7. 16. Calling back
  8. 17. Something that can die
  1. 1. not guilty
  2. 2. something a shirt is made from many of these
  3. 5. something that happened to Eli Whitney
  4. 6. Cheering
  5. 7. something chaotic
  6. 10. ungrateful
  7. 11. Something that kids often do in school
  8. 13. What happens at debates very often
  9. 14. A stage of sadness
  10. 15. Something a x-ray does