Vocab Words

  1. 2. Bob _____ that Bobby’s girlfriend was cheating on him without having to tell him directly.
  2. 5. _____ is truly apparent in America since America is a melting pot of different cultures.
  3. 7. The _____ speech was meant to get a reaction from the crowd.
  4. 8. The _____ student only took honor classes due to his knowledge.
  5. 11. Fred is _____ around pretty girls due to abnormal behavior.
  6. 13. My essay is _____ with Mr. Seymour's rules since it follows all necessary requirements.
  7. 15. Unlike many, I find the sound of shoes squeaking _____ due to its annoyance.
  8. 16. Bob was _____ when he got scammed out of $100.
  9. 17. Natural disasters cause hospitals to need _____ help to guarantee there is enough for everyone.
  10. 19. Many high-class people discuss _____ topics while at parties due to their status in society.
  11. 21. _____ runners have the ability to run for miles without getting tired.
  12. 24. I found $20 on the ground; what _____.
  13. 25. When being late to classes, I never _____ but instead go as fast as possible.
  1. 1. Many rich kids have an air of _____ towards other kids due to their arrogant attitude.
  2. 3. The dive judges don’t know what they are doing and are judging off _____ reasons.
  3. 4. Many children are _____ with ice cream because of their love for the sugary flavor.
  4. 6. Bob _____ to Henery about his ideals of the government.
  5. 9. Bob is a _____ athlete; he is good at baseball, football, and hockey.
  6. 10. Many people think AI will create a _____ solving all the world's problems.
  7. 12. Death and taxes are both _____ part of the human experience.
  8. 14. Many Southerners or people living in _____ America speak slower.
  9. 18. Running a 5K is an _____ task requiring effort and energy.
  10. 20. There are many _____ communities that are very diverse.
  11. 22. The man has great business _____ in buying the correct stocks.
  12. 23. Government secrets can be _____ from documents to make sure nobody finds them.